& so we're back with round 2 of Struggles Hijabis Face. Who could relate to the very first version
1. You don't need an umbrella, right?
Our hijab isn't a poncho. We do need an umbrella too, thank you very much.
2. How do you listen to music?
What do you mean? It truly isn't that hard to plug in. Besides, there're Bluetooth headphones now.
3. When immigration officers ask you to remove your hijab for verification.
It's 2018. Get with the program already.
4. When you get a new cute hairdo but no one cares
5. When you have a pile of scarves but none of them works for you
& then you just stick to that same old style...
We all experience at least each of these scenarios once but despite all those struggles, they can never outweigh the reasons why we all wear the Hijab. Speaking of which, stay tuned for a series of Hijab Stories with our #AdlinaAnistas coming soon!